SS-Y06 Activated Carbon is designed for incineration emission treatment

Made from old coconut shell by ultra-high temperature superheated steam activation, the SS-Y06 activated carbon is specially designed for incineration emission control, which has highly activated. The powerful porous structure has strong adsorption capacity for dioxin, furan, and heavy metals. The ultra-high purification effectiveness is to ensure the incineration emission to comply with the most stringent discharge standard.


Iodine adsorption value ≥ 800~1200 mg/g
Specific surface area ≥ 800~1200㎡/g
Bulk density 0.30~0.50 g/ml
Ash content ≤ 8.0 %
Loss on drying ≤ 10.0 %
Particle size range ≥ 90 %

The specifications in the form only provide basic information about the product, and the purchase specifications are determined according to the customer’s requirements.

Optional granularity

■ <200 mesh (0.075 mm)>70%
■ <200 mesh (0.075 mm)>90%
■ <325 mesh (0.045 mm)>85%

Application area

■ Domestic waste incineration tail gas treatment
■ Medical waste incineration tail gas treatment
■ Hazardous waste incineration tail gas treatment
■ Coal-fired power plant tail gas treatment
■ Industrial furnace exhaust treatment