Do you know that water treatment products, the treatment of tannery wastewater is a very effective method

In our daily life, leather products such as bags, leather shoes, leather clothing, leather sofas, etc. can be seen everywhere. Activated carbon price Activated carbon material has stable chemical properties, high mechanical strength, acid resistance, alkali resistance, heat resistance, insoluble in water and organic solvents, and can be recycled. It has been widely used in chemical industry, environmental protection, food processing, metallurgy, drug refining, and military Chemical protection and other fields. In recent years, the leather industry has developed rapidly. At the same time, the discharge of leather wastewater has gradually become one of the most important industrial pollution. According to statistics, my country has 1 ton of raw leather that has not been processed and produced, and the wastewater generated is about 50≤-150T. The tanning industry discharges more than 8 million tons of wastewater into the environment every year, accounting for about 0.03% of my country’s total industrial wastewater discharge. The leather industry’s emissions rank third in the light industry, second only to the paper industry and brewing industry. The sewage of leather tannery mainly comes from washing, soaking, dehairing, ashing, degreasing, etc. The main pollutants are organic waste, inorganic waste and organic compounds. Because leather needs to be dyed during processing, a large amount of dyes will be produced in the leather wastewater, but the chroma of the wastewater is relatively high. Animal fur needs to be shed during the leather reprocessing. The depilatory liquid contains a lot of sulfides. Sulfur-containing waste liquid is prone to produce hydrogen sulfide gas when exposed to acid, and sulfur-containing sludge will also release hydrogen sulfide gas under anaerobic conditions. It is very harmful to water bodies and humans.