legal statement:

Welcome to this website, which is owned and managed by Fujian Sensen Carbon Technology Co., Ltd. anyone who enters, views and uses this website is deemed to have read, understand, approve and accept all contents of this legal statement and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this website or any content of this website (including the following terms) shall be governed by the laws of the people’s Republic of China and shall be under the jurisdiction of the competent court of the place where Fujian Sensen Carbon Technology Co., Ltd. is located.

rights statement:

Fujian Sensen Carbon Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the ownership, copyright, trademark right and other rights of all contents (including but not limited to words, pictures, audio, video, layout design, procedures and other contents) contained in this website. All intellectual property rights such as trademarks, design and product packaging on this website are protected by law. Without our written permission, no unit or individual is allowed May copy, modify, reproduce, disseminate or use the contents of this website without authorization. Any violation of the above rights of the company will be investigated for legal liability.


The contents of this website are for reference only and are not any commitment made by the company. We have tried our best to review the content published on this website. We do not make any guarantee or guarantee for the accuracy, completeness, effectiveness and non infringement of the rights of others. The company will not assume any responsibility for any decision or action that depends on the content of this website. The company can update or modify the content of this website at any time without notice.

Privacy Protection:

We will not collect personal information of visitors without the consent of visitors to this website. We will take reasonable measures to protect the telephone number, e-mail and other personal information provided by visitors of this website for service and other matters. We will not provide any personal information of visitors to any third party without the consent of visitors to this website, unless the company’s rights and interests are damaged in accordance with the mandatory requirements of the legal, administrative or judicial authorities or because the visitors of this website violate the above-mentioned use regulations.